

Contenu de l'ancien site web

The purpose of this website is providing to LCA practitioners useful GIS maps & data resulting of scientific work of ELSA research group. They may relate to either inventory (LCI) or characterization factors (LCIA) at fine geographical scales.

Each set of data maps is provided in a tab in which you will find:

  • A brief description of the provided data (maps)
  • Associated scientific references
  • Download button for each set of data


List of abreviations:

LCA      Life Cycle Assessment
LCI       Life Cycle Inventory
LCIA     Life Cycle Impact Assessment

More information on LCA:

Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is a methodology for assessing environmental impacts associated with all stages of a product’s life from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling.

Scientific information about LCA:

Dans ce dossier

A methodology was developed to globally derive fragmentation indexes based on the metapopulation theory, at meaningful spatial scales for fragmentation mechanisms. The metapopulation capacity λ was calculated at the Grid Square (GS) scale (e.g. 100 km2) for all forest biodiversity hotspots (around 300 terrestrial ecoregions), and Forest Fragmentation Potential (FFP) indexes ranging from 0 (low fragmentation stress) to 1 (high fragmentation stress) were calculated based on λ statistics. These indexes were defined at various levels of spatial aggregation: damaged forest (i.e. forest cover <30%), forest, and the whole ecoregion. These indexes allow ranking the fragmented ecoregions according to their ability to host viable species populations (depending on the species dispersal distance (DD), e.g. 1 km).
Loubet et al. (2013) described a method to adapt water deprivation indicators at sub river basin (SRB) scale while considering the deprivation effect on downstream SRB’s (cascading effect).
Data on water withdrawal from different water resources (surface, groundwater, sea water, etc.) for different water users (domestic, agriculture, industry, etc.), called water resource mix, have been collected worldwide at different scales: 93 countries are covered at national scale, 18 countries at watershed scale and 5 countries at sub-watershed scale. Data sources consulted were mainly the direct contact with water management agencies, water management plans of each watershed, water databases and European and international statistics. Based on that, a GIS database (PostgreSQL DB) and KML files viewable on Google earth for world map display have been developed.

Date de modification : 19 juillet 2023 | Date de création : 28 avril 2023 | Rédaction : kd